Monday, October 31, 2011

Cat Copy Baby - Copybaby

Copycat is an act as an imitator or mimic others. But, when a cat copycatting a baby, I think it is appropriate to call it copybaby. Hahahahaaa...

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9 Easy Things To Be Happy

9 Things You Can Do to Be Happy in the Next 30 Minutes

Surprising ways to instantly improve your mood. Being happier doesn't have to be a long-term ambition. You can start right now. In the next 30 minutes, tackle as many of the following suggestions as possible. Not only will these tasks themselves increase your happiness, but the mere fact that you've achieved some concrete goals will boost your mood.

1. Raise your activity level to pump up your energy. If you're on the phone, stand up and pace. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Put more energy into your voice. Take a brisk 10-minute walk. Even better.

2. Take a walk outside. Research suggests that light stimulates brain chemicals that improve mood. For an extra boost, get your sunlight first thing in the morning.

3. Reach out. Send an e-mail to a friend you haven't seen in a while, or reach out to someone new. Having close bonds with other people is one of the most important keys to happiness. When you act in a friendly way, not only will others feel more friendly toward you, but you'll also strengthen your feelings of friendliness for other people.

4. Rid yourself of a nagging task. Deal with that insurance problem, purchase something you need, or make that long-postponed appointment with the dentist. Crossing an irksome chore off your to-do list will give you a rush of elation.

5. Create a more serene environment. Outer order contributes to inner peace, so spend some time organizing bills and tackling the piles in the kitchen. A large stack of little tasks can feel overwhelming, but often just a few minutes of work can make a sizable dent. Set the timer for 10 minutes and see what you can do.

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Tips Make-up

Tips Make Up

Rias mata yang luntur maupun lenyap biasanya di sebabkan karena adanya kandungan minyak yang berlebihan pada kelopak mata .sebelum merias mata sebaiknya anda gunakan foundation oil free(bebas minyak), bedak untuk menyerap minyak di kelopak dan baru digunakan eyeshadow sesudahnya. Jika ingin mengunakan eyeshadow dalam tekstur krim bubuhkan bedak pada kelopak mata setelah proses pemolesan perona mata selesai . Langkah ini berguna agar perona mata lebih tahan lama. Bila eyeshadow ketika di bubuhkan kerap rontok ke pipi hingga mengotori rias wajah anda .

Ada 2 macam solusi yang bisa anda lakukan yaitu sebelum menggunakan eyeshadow bubuhkan bedak tabur agak banyak di pipi. Membersihkannya cukup dengan menggunakan kuas sehingga rias wajah anda tidak terganggu. Yang kedua adalah membubuhkan eyeshadow dengan kuas lembab sehingga partikelnya melekat pada bulu kuas dan dan tidak mengotori pipi.

Bila anda ingin menyamarkan lingkaran hitam pada mata anda maka gunakan concealer sesudah penggunaan foundation dan sebelum menggunakan bedak. Jika concealer yang di gunakan terlalu tebal teksturnya maka hal ini akan membuat tampilan mata tidak alami. Untuk mencegahnya, sebelum di bubuhkan campur sedikit dengan satu tetes pelembab mata baru kemudian dibubuhkan di bagian bawah mata.

Untuk menyamarkan lingkaran gelap pada mata maka pilih warna concealer yang satu atau dua warna lebih terang atau lebih muda dari warna kulit. Solusi lainnya adalah dengan menggunakan concealer yang mengandung partikel pemantul sinar ( YSL Touche Eclat ) yang melembutkan tampilan warna gelap tersebut .

Jika anda ingin agar mata anda terlihat lebih segar dan dan lebih besar. Sebaiknya gunakan pensil mata atau eyeliner pencil warna putih pada bagian dalam kelopak bawah mata. Hal ini akan membuat warna putih pada mata semakin terlihat.

Saat memilih warna eyeshadowsebaiknya anda ingat bahwa warna gelap selalu membuat anda terlihat lebih kecil dari ukuran yang sebenarnya karena itu baju warna gelap selalu merupakan pilihan yang aman. Jika mata anda kecil atau sipit sebaiknya hindari penggunaan warna – warna gelap secara berlebihan juga hindari penggunaan eyeliner warna hitam pada kedua kelopak mata sekaligus .

Pilihlah Tekstur eyeshadow jika kelopak maupun sudut mata mulai timbul kerutan. Hindarilah eyeshadow dalam tekstur mengkilat karena hal ini justru akan membuat kerutannya nampak nyata.
Pilih eyeshadow tekstur matte ( tanpa mengkilap )

Awkward Wedding Photos III

Another collection of awkward wedding photos...

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Banned Comic - Daddy’s Roommate

Daddy's Roommate is a children's book written by Michael Willhoite and published by Alyson Books in 1991. The book, about a young boy whose divorced father now lives with his gay partner, deals with the controversial subject of homosexual parents.

Daddy's Roommate was one of the first children's books to portray homosexuality in a positive light; the two men in the book do the same things heterosexual couples do: Take care of the house, argue, and spend time with their boy. Consequently, the book has become one of the most challenged books in recent years with the American Library Association listing it at number 2 in their list of the 100 most challenged books from 1990-1999.

Daddy's Roommate became a point of discussion in the 2008 US Presidential Election when it was alleged that, in 1995, Sarah Palin, then a councilwoman in Wasilla, Alaska, complained that the book did not belong in the public library.

My advice, keep an eye of what your children are reading.

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Caught In Action - Cute Peeping Tom

Eh Mate, did you see mice in that room?

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Gamers Geektastically Tattoo

Take a look at the tattoos that the fans of these video games have done. Some may find them weird but if you love something, then you need to show it off. The tattoos of these heroes from famous video games look so cool.

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Spectacular Volcano Lightning Phenomena

It's common to see intense lightning during the eruption of a volcano. Scientists have long puzzled over why sand grains and other small particles can build up electrical charges as they collide with one another, sometimes to the point of discharging lightning in dust storms or plumes of volcanic ash. 

The scientists now believe that volcanoes can produce two kinds of lightning during an eruption. The first type, which has been understood for some time, occurs in the volcano's smoke plume a few minutes after the eruption ends. In this case, highly energized hot air and gases clash with the cool atmosphere, creating the sort of organized, branched lightning found in a thunderstorm.

The second kind of lightning, which the authors called a newly identified explosive phase, came as a surprise, as magma, ash and rocks spewed carrying great electrical charge, they created continuous, chaotic sparks near the mouth of the volcano.

Not all volcanic eruptions produce lightning, but the new equipment might be used to track the ones that do particularly those in remote regions. Often used to detect forest fires, the equipment picks up radiowaves caused by lightning. Researchers can then work backward to pinpoint the time and place of the lightning.

These photos are from volcanoes from all over the world.

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Creative Wedding Photography

Like the technology of photography itself, the practice of wedding photography has evolved and grown since the invention of the photographic art form in 1826. In fact, an early photograph, recorded some 14 years after the fact, may be a recreation for the camera of the 1840 wedding of Queen Victoria to Prince Albert. 

However, in the early days of photography, most couples of more humble means did not hire a photographer to record the actual wedding itself. Until the later half of the 19th century, most people didn't pose for formal wedding photos during the wedding. Rather, they might pose for a formal photo in their best clothes before or after a wedding. In the late 1860s, more couples started posing in their wedding clothes or sometimes hired a photographer to come to the wedding venue.

Here is a good mix of different types of wedding images to get those creative juices flowing. You might find an idea for your wedding photo in these example.

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Jennifer Lopez Wallpaper

Here, a collection of high quality, high definition Jennifer Lopez wallpapers. Good for your desktop, tablet, smartphone or laptop wallpaper. Feel Free to download.

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Baldwin Street - Steepest Street In The World

Baldwin Street in a suburban part of New Zealand's southern city of Dunedin, is considered the world's steepest residential street. It is located in the suburb of North East Valley, 3.5 kilometres (2.2 mi) northeast of Dunedin's city center.

A short straight street a little under 350 metres (1,150 ft) long, Baldwin Street runs east from the valley of the Lindsay Creek up the side of Signal Hill towards Opoho, rising from 30 m (98 ft) above sea level at its junction with North Road to 100 m (330 ft) above sea level at the top, an average slope of slightly more than 1:5. 

Its lower reaches are only moderately steep, and the surface is asphalt, but the upper reaches of this cul-de-sac are far steeper, and surfaced in concrete (200 m (660 ft) long), for ease of maintenance (bitumen, in either chip seal or asphalt, would flow down the slope on a warm day) and for safety in Dunedin's frosty winters. At its maximum, the slope of Baldwin Street is about 1:2.86 (19° or 35%). That is, for every 2.86 metres travelled horizontally, the elevation changes by 1 meter.

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Nicely-Timed Photos of Surfers

Yeah, I know we officially into Fall season now.

Surfers are an exciting and interesting subject for the outdoor photographer who is lucky enough to live near the coast. While life can be made a little easier if you have a telephoto lens, it's not always necessary. We think these shots are a great collection of surfers doing what hey do best.

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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Passport Photo Vs Normal Photo

Sometimes I always wonder why my image on passport are quite different from what I see myself in the mirror. It turn out that I am not the only one. The differences between the real you and your passport photo definitely exist and they have existed forever. For some the will be small differences but others are quite big. 

Okay. Some of the photo have time different. But, I think you got the message. Take a look at below comparison.

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Amazing Pencils Carving

Many artists have used pencils to create works of art, but Dalton Ghetti creates miniature masterpieces on the tips of pencils. Dalton, who works as a carpenter, has been making his tiny graphite works for about 25 years. 

Dalton uses three basic tools to make his incredible creations, a razor blade, sewing needle and sculpting knife. He even refuses to use a magnifying glass and has never sold any of his work, only given it away to friends. The longest Dalton has spent on one piece was two and half years on a pencil with interlinking chains. A standard figure will take several months. 

When Dalton, from Connecticut, USA, first started he would become frustrated when a piece would break before being finished after he had spent months working on it. Dalton, who is originally from Brazil, has a box full of more than 100 sculptures that have broken while working on them that he affectionately calls 'the cemetery collection'.

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Celebrity Twin Sister Or Brother

With their big doe eyes and dark brown hair, Zooey Deschanel and Katy Perry could be sisters, if not identical twins. Most celebrities make it in Hollywood for their unique looks, undeniable talent and one-of-a kind style. They are often imitated and never duplicated. 

But there's a theory that everybody has 6 others people who look same as you in this world. And that same theory rings true for some of Hollywood's most notable stars. These celebrities look so much alike, they could be twins.

Katy Perry and Zooey Deschanel
Kim Kardashian and Nicole Scherzinger
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Mysterious Tree

At a glance you may be confused the above tree with a massive trunk with a Baobab tree, which is renowned to possess the largest tree trunks of the world, but, this is yet another unknown specie which is seen in the close proximity of a hermitage deep in the dense forest in Andra Pradesh in India. And most importantly it is natural not artificial.

Now have a close look at the bark and experience the unbelievable figures of creatures engraved in the surface of the entire tree trunk. Absolutely real. Not man made.

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Bangladesh Train Surfing

This is a common scene in Bangladesh every day transportation, a Train Surfing. Bangladesh is one of the poorest countries in the world, trains are the most used traveling vehicle there but because of the poverty many of the people can't afford a train ticket so, they need to travel on the train roofs risking their lives.

Think of this next time when you are jammed in traffic in comfort of your own car before swearing everybody around.

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Connectivity Is Everything

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Pineapple Easy Slicer

Cool device for people like you and me who never really understand how to slice pineapple...

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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Celebrities - From Hottie To Nottie

Time spares no one, which is a total shame in some cases. While everyone gets older, it always seems so shocking to see female celebrities age and try desperately to hang on to their good looks. Check out these sad examples of celebrities trying everything to look younger.

Whitney Houston
Meg Ryan
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Friday, October 28, 2011

Teknik Riasan Mata Kucing

 Ingin memiliki efek Mata kucing yang seksi? Anda bisa mendapatkannya dari pemakaian eyeliner.

Riasan mata kucing dapat membuat Anda nampak seksi dan memikat. Namun, masih banyak wanita yang kesulitan membuat garis eyeliner. Jangan khawatir, karena ada beberapa cara mudah untuk mendapatkan garis eyeliner yang rapi dan indah. Seperti apa? Simak tipsnya dari Bella Sugar Berikut ini!

Buat 'Bingkai' dengan Eyeliner Pensil Tumpul
Cara termudah untuk membuat pola garisan mata atau 'bingkai' adalah dengan menggunakan eyeliner tumpul. Mengapa eyeliner tumpul? Karena membuat mata lebih penuh dan meminimalisir kesalahan saat menggaris mata. Tarik eyeliner dari garis mata bagian dalam ke luar mata, berhenti tepat di ujung luar mata.

Bentuk 'Sayap' dengan Eyeliner Pensil Runcing
Untuk memberikan 'sayap' (garis menaik di ujung mata), goreskan tipis dari tengah lipatan luar mata (antara garis mata atas dan bawah). Untuk membuat bulu mata nampak penuh, bagian dalam garis mata juga perlu diberi eyeliner. Untuk garis mata bawah, tarik eyeliner dari tengah garis mata ke arah luar.

Sempurnakan dengan eyeliner cair atau gel
Untuk kesan lebih dramatis, sempurnakan bingkai mata dengan eyeliner cair atau gel. Perlahan-lahan tegaskan bentuk 'sayap' hingga sempurna. Garis mata bagian bawah tidak perlu disempurnakan, cukup dengan eyeliner pensil agar hasilnya natural.

Gunakan lighter di garis mata bagian dalam
Ingin menambahkan kesan seksi dan bercahaya pada mata? Gambarlah garis mata bagian dalam dengan eyeliner warna silver atau gold. Pemakaian lighter cocok untuk pesta malam hari agar penampilan lebih bersinar.

sumber :

Warna Make-up yang Cocok untuk Rambut Coklat

Warna make-up biasanya disesuaikan dengan tone kulit. Tapi bagi wanita yang mengecat rambutnya, pemilihan make-up seperti eyeshadow dan lipstik bisa disesuaikan dengan warna rambut.

Warna make-up apa yang bisa dipilih jika rambut Anda berwarna brunette atau coklat? Ini dia tipsnya, seperti dikutip dari ourvanity.

Dark Brunette

Jika warna rambut Anda dark brunette atau hitam kecoklatan, ini dia warna-warna make-up yang sebaiknya Anda pilih:

- Blush on warna coral, pink keunguan atau peach tua bershimmer akan menegaskan warna brunette gelap sehingga tampil lebih dramatis.

- Untuk menonjolkan mata, si rambut brunette gelap sangat cocok mengenakan riasan smoky eyes karena bisa mengaksentuasi warna rambut yang terkesan misterius.

- Bila Anda memilih untuk menonjolkan riasan bibir, kenakan lipstik warna terakota, cherry red atau merah tua. Tapi ingat, pilih hanya salah satu bagian wajah Anda untuk ditonjolkan; mata atau bibir.

Light Brunette

Untuk wanita berambut brunette hangat, misalnya chestnut, pilihlah nuansa warna yang lebih terang.

- Untuk riasan mata, pilih eyeshadow warna biru atau abu-abu. Warna yang kontras bisa membuat rambut brunette terlihat lebih intens.

- Begitu juga dengan bibir, pilih yang berwarna terang seperti fuchsia, frosty pink atau nude pink.

Tips Menyesuaikan Antara Warna Rambut Dan Make-Up

Ganti-ganti warna rambut berarti ganti nuansa make-up juga lho..

Ganti-ganti warna rambut berarti ganti nuansa make-up juga lho.. Rambut merah keunguan dengan make-up bernuansa perak dan bibir pale pink. Apa Anda bisa membayangkannya? Ya, jika Anda hobi mewarnai rambut, Anda juga harus memperhatikan warna make-up apa yang sesuai. Polesan make-up yang lagi tren saat ini juga belum tentu sesuai dengan warna rambut Anda. Contohnya perpaduan warna di atas tadi.

Saat ini tren warna rambut sudah tidak pilih-pilih lagi. Dengan tone dan aplikasi yang tepat, semua warna kulit, semua ras bisa menggunakan warna-warna yang disukai. Kulit gelap dengan rambut blonde? Oke, oke saja.. malah nampak kilau kuningnya begitu cantik dipadu kulit gelap. Oleh karena itu, panduan warna make-up ini juga berlaku bagi Anda yang suka gonta-ganti warna rambut.
Anda bisa membayangkan warna-warna musim semi untuk padu padan dengan rambut merah Anda. Seperti cerahnya musim semi, make-up Anda juga harus cerah dan ringan. Pilih nuansa hijau untuk make-up mata, warna apricot sebagai blush on dan lip gloss Anda. Pastikan aplikasi make-up tidak tebal dan berat dan bernuansa ceria.

Untuk warna rambut ini, nuansa musim panas adalah yang paling sesuai. Bisa membayangkan wajah bermandikan cahaya? Jadikan itu tema make-up Anda. Ini bisa berarti tampilan minimalis dengan wajah sedikit berkilap atau highlight di beberapa bagian yang tepat. Mainkan highlight dari aneka warna bernuansa emas yang berkilau, namun jangan berlebihan karena Anda tidak sedang berdandan untuk panggung hiburan.

Bisa ditebak nuansa musim gugurlah yang paling sesuai dengan warna rambut plum, burgundy dan kecoklatan ini. Sesuai dengan warna musim gugur, ada banyak pilihan yang agak bebas karena warna rambut ini mudah disesuaikan dengan berbagai nuansa warna. Tidak heran banyak yang memilih warna rambut ini. Jika warna pilihan Anda sangat gelap, coklat gelap, biru atau ungu gelap, maka smoky eyes dan nuansa biru navy akan sangat cantik di mata Anda. Sedangkan pale pink akan sesuai menjadi lipstick dan blush on Anda.

Jangan salah, saat ini warna rambut yang sedang tren di Hollywood sana adalah warna gray ala nenek-nenek ini! Namun tentu saja ada berbagai modifikasi untuk membuatnya tetap modern. Tertarik untuk mencoba? Polesan warna lavender dan warna timah jadi paduan yang cantik untuk mata Anda. Aplikasikan pensil alis warna pucat untuk membuat warna alis Anda lebih sesuai dengan warna rambut. Golden pink dan warna apricot akan mencerahkan bibir dan pipi Anda sehingga tetap terlihat segar dan cantik.


Mens T-Shirt

Funny men's T-shirt. Sometimes, T-shirt can be the best way to express your attitude to everyone around you. Finding the right sarcastic T-shirt to match your mood can be easy with the right resources.

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Unusual Sleeping Bags

Take a look at some unusual sleeping bags. No matter where you are or where you; if you are planning to go camping or simply crash at a friend's hose you can sleep tight providing that you have a sleeping bag. And nothing says sweet dreams like a nice-looking, comfortable sleeping bag, don't you think. 

Many would prefer sleeping in a sleeping bag than in a comfy bad especially if your sleeping beg like these

Bear Sleeping Bag. f you decide that you want to sleep in the woods, it may be a good idea to sleep in one of those, bear sleeping bags. Who know maybe a bear will ignore you if you look like it cousin

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Butt With Messages

When your messages not received by the audition, you can always rely on girls to spread the messages. Great butt messages on hot sexy girls.

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Comic Vs Movie Character

Here is comparison between comic fictional character and it's twin from the movie.

Black Widow (Natalia Natasha Alianovna Romanova, also known as Natasha Romanoff) is a fictional character in the Marvel Comics Universe. She was created by editor and plotter Stan Lee, scripter Don Rico and artist Don Heck, and first appeared in Tales of Suspense #52 (April 1964). Natasha Romanoff is featured in the 2010 motion picture Iron Man 2, where she is played by Scarlett Johansson.
Susan “Sue” Storm Richards (also known as Invisible Girl and later, Invisible Woman) is a fictional character, a Marvel Comics superheroine created by writer Stan Lee and artist/co-writer Jack Kirby. The character first appeared in Fantastic Four #1 in November 1961, and was the first female superhero created by Marvel in the Silver Age of Comics. Like the other founding members of the Fantastic Four, Sue received her powers after being exposed to a cosmic storm. Her primary power deals with light waves, allowing her to render herself and others invisible. However, she can also project powerful fields of invisible psionic energy which she uses for a variety of offensive and defensive effects. Sue plays a central role in the lives of her brother, her husband, her children (Franklin Richards and Val Richards), and her friend, Ben Grimm
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Japan Harajuku Fashion Show

Japan was famous with their bizarre stuff and tradition and also in fashion style. Japanese people love to mix and match a fashion style to become the most unique one. We can see many Japanese fashion trends on Harajuku. the teenagers there wears an amazing insane outfit and also the people in the street. they wear a weird and unique costume.

Harajuku street style is promoted in Japanese and international publications such as Kera, Tune, Gothic & Lolita Bible and Fruits. Many prominent designers and fashion ideas have sprung from Harajuku and incorporated themselves into other fashions throughout the world.

For those who seek for the latest Japanese fashion trends should be check pictures below, you can get an idea for a Japanese Street Fashion Style or often called as a Harajuku Fashion Style. so you could find a Harajuku Fashion Guide. and how to dress harajuku style

Here's a collection of an amazing insane Japanese Street fashion style enjoy it.

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Weird Body Shaving

Collection photos of people who shaved themselves in an unusual way. There are many ways in which you can alter your appearance. One of the quickest is shaving, especially if you are a man. Some of the men in these photos shave their body hairs in somewhat unusual ways. 

You may find it revolting or fun, it's completely on you. But the real dilemma is whether you would consider doing something like this just for fun.

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Apple Of My Eye