Lovin the Language Blogfest: 5 lines from the WIP

Now its just a matter of picking five lines...
Ok, here goes.

Cindy was already asleep in her bed when he got home. He cracked the door open just enough to see her. She lay curled under the dark green quilt she’d gotten last Christmas and only her thick red hair, a gift from her father, was visible. Not for the first time, George questioned why Jane had left her daughter to him instead of mom. Mom was just a few blocks that way, of course, and helped with stuff like babysitting and teaching Cindy how to wear eyeliner, and she hadn’t seemed surprised at Jane’s decision, either; but seven years, first period and first prom later, he still had no idea what he was doing.
*blush* Ok, so this is first draft form and will be hopefully improved in its final form, but it sort of gives a good jist without giving too much away :) Happy writing!
Sarah Allen
Labels: Writing Snippets
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